Motor giant, The Dream Big Bike, a draft Gregory Dunham, is the world's largest motorcycle and has been entered in the "Guinness Book of Records". Height 3.4 meters, 6.2 meters long, weighs nearly 3 tons (2948 kg) denganmesin 500 horsepower. Speed is 104 km per hour.
Dunham said that he started building the "Dream Big" was in 2002 and was completed within 3 tahunyang has a cost of 300 thousand U.S. dollars (sekitarRp. 3.3 billion).
Motor giant has 6 seats including the drivers. High wheels alone reached 1.8 meters wide and almost 1 meter.
When Dunham asked why he wants to build motor-like "monster", he replied: "Because he is my dream!"
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