For machinery, no one can beat him. The total capacity of 8.3 liter engine which consists of 10 cylinders with configuration V. This machine is taken over from the Dodge Viper supercar are proud Chyrsler in the early 1990s.
Claimed to reach speeds of 640 km / h with a total weight of 680 kg. Its uniqueness, have 4-wheel independent suspension. Both front and rear wheels mounted tandem wheels so that the configuration similar to the ATV. Acceleration 0-96 km / h in just 2.5 seconds (there are estimated at less than 2 seconds). Reportedly this bike should not be used on public roads! Therefore also the fate of this moge now not so clear.
Years ago, there were replica made in China. Used 150 cc engine and offered a price of 1400 U.S. dollars (USD 15,575,000). KMD name is Tron. Now also sold in the United States at a price 1180 U.S. dollars, or USD 13,216,500.
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