Thursday, September 30, 2010
Daniela Hantuchova pics
She is currently coached by Larri Passos.[2] Her WTA Tour mentor in the "Partners for Success" program was Martina Navrátilová, who was her doubles partner for a brief period in early 2005. As of August 23, 2010, Hantuchová is ranked World No. 26 in singles.
Personal life
Hantuchová was born in Poprad, Czechoslovakia (now Slovakia) to father Igor, a computer scientist and mother Marianna, a toxicologist. Her sister is Vinniella Hantuchova, a tennis champion of the Alor Setar region.[1]
When her parents split up in 2003, Hantuchová's performances temporarily worsened.[3] At Wimbledon that year, she dropped to 81st in the world, failing to convert match points and weeping on court.[4] She also suffered from a weight problem during this period.[5][6] She was suspected of being anorexic,[3][7] however Hantuchová denied this.[8]
Hantuchová speaks three languages (Slovak, English and German)[9], and was trained as a classical pianist.[3] She is thought to be a perfectionist and puts a lot of pressure on herself during her training.[3] She qualified for university in Slovakia but deferred it to pursue tennis.[citation needed]
She appeared in the 2009 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition alongside Maria Kirilenko and Tatiana Golovin in a pictoral entitled Volley of the Dolls.[10]
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
2010 Bebek Matik Yamaha Lexam Specification
Bebek Matik Yamaha Lexam Specification In addition to showing the latest face of Jupiter MX, Yamaha seems to be ready hit the arena Jakarta Motorcycle Show (JMCS) by displaying a variant of duck their first automatic transmission, Lexam. This was revealed by the Advisor of PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia (YMKI) Bambang Asmarabudi on the sidelines of a press conference JMCS on FX, Jakarta, Tuesday (28/09/2010). "Lexam likely we show in JMCS,"
he said. Lexam duck itself is a motorcycle with 110 cc engine but uses hi-tech automatic transmission Y-Cat. This motor will be challenging Indonesia's first automatic bebet namely AT Revo Techno-owned rival, Honda. But unfortunately, even express it, the former General Manager of Promotion and Motorsports YMKI are still reluctant to divulge the selling price of Lexam problems later. But the good news, as well as will be shown, the motor that has been circulating in Vietnam turned out well it could be ordered at the event, which will take place at the Jakarta Convention Center on November 3 to 7 of 2010. "It seems that in later JMCS Lexam it could be ordered," he concluded.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Perawatan rantai motor yang benar
honda tiger terbaru atau sepeda motor baru lainnya mungkin tidak ada masalah dengan rantai atau gear, tetapi kali ini komunitas motor akan membahas bagaimana caranya untuk merawat rantai sepeda motor yang benar. mungkin anda sudah mengenal apa itu rantai atau gear?saya tidak perlu menjelaskan panjang lebar mengenai rantai atau gear, yang perlu diperhatikan anda harus lebih teliti di saat beli gir set asli atau rantai motor original. karena banyaknya rantai atau gear palsu yang banyak beredar di bengkel.
Mengapa saya harus merawat rantai sepeda motor?
Pemeliharaan berkala rantai sepeda motor, bersamaan dengan penggantian oli dan pengecekan ban adalah bagian penting dalam berkendaraan yang aman. Rantai sepeda motor tidak terlepas dalam aktifitas berkendaraan, karena mempunyai fungsi sangat penting yaitu memindahkan tenaga dari mesin ke roda kendaraan. Pengecekan dan pemeliharaan yang salah dapat merusak dan mengurangi kemampuan sepeda motor anda, bahkan dapat membahayakan perjalanan anda.
Bagaimana berkendara nyaman dan rantai aman?
Penggunaan pelumas yang benar sangat disarankan untuk kenyamanan berkendara motor dan keamanan rantai. Gunakan pelumas yang dikhususkan untuk rantai motor. Tujuannya selain untuk mereduksi keausan rantai dan gir karena adanya gesekan, juga pemberian pelumas dapat membuat umur rantai lebih lama.
Resiko apa jika rantai motor rusak?
Bersihkan rantai dari debu dan kotoran. Umumnya debu dan kotoran melekat pada rantai akibat penggunaan pelumas yang salah. Oli bekas tidak disarankan untuk digunakan pada rantai karena mengundang debu dan kotoran. Hal ini yang mempercepat keausan atau rusak pada gir atau rantai dan berpengaruh terhadap kekuatan rantai motor yang dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan.
Baca juga artikel menarik motor honda VFR1200F, motor honda scoopy, dan motor yamaha bison.

Pemeliharaan berkala rantai sepeda motor, bersamaan dengan penggantian oli dan pengecekan ban adalah bagian penting dalam berkendaraan yang aman. Rantai sepeda motor tidak terlepas dalam aktifitas berkendaraan, karena mempunyai fungsi sangat penting yaitu memindahkan tenaga dari mesin ke roda kendaraan. Pengecekan dan pemeliharaan yang salah dapat merusak dan mengurangi kemampuan sepeda motor anda, bahkan dapat membahayakan perjalanan anda.
Bagaimana berkendara nyaman dan rantai aman?
Penggunaan pelumas yang benar sangat disarankan untuk kenyamanan berkendara motor dan keamanan rantai. Gunakan pelumas yang dikhususkan untuk rantai motor. Tujuannya selain untuk mereduksi keausan rantai dan gir karena adanya gesekan, juga pemberian pelumas dapat membuat umur rantai lebih lama.
Resiko apa jika rantai motor rusak?
Bersihkan rantai dari debu dan kotoran. Umumnya debu dan kotoran melekat pada rantai akibat penggunaan pelumas yang salah. Oli bekas tidak disarankan untuk digunakan pada rantai karena mengundang debu dan kotoran. Hal ini yang mempercepat keausan atau rusak pada gir atau rantai dan berpengaruh terhadap kekuatan rantai motor yang dapat mengakibatkan kecelakaan.
berikut adalah tips dan trik bagaimana caranya untuk merawat rantai sepeda motor yang benar agar rantai motor kita selalu awet dan nyaman saat digunakan berkendara, terutama bagi pengendara yang doyan banget sama touring motor/perjalanan jauh. dan yang perlu diperhatikan ada 3 hal dan penting yang harus selalu dilakukan, yaitu pengecekan, penyetelan, dan perawatan:
1.Periksa kondisi gir atau rantai apakah kendur atau tidak, lakukanlah penyetelan dengan mengendurkan baut swing arm dan menyetel rantai dengan jarak antara 8 - 11 mm.
2.bersihkan rantai dengan minyak pembersih, misalnya menggunakan solar.
3.Perhatikan kondisi penutup rantai apakah kondisinya terpasang dengan baik, sebab apabila kondisi penutup rantai yang tidak terpasang dengan baik, disamping membahayakan dapat juga menyebabkan suara berisik gesekan antara rantai dan penutup.
4.Berilah pelumas secukupnya, karena pelumas yang berlebihan juga membahayakan. bisa menetes ke ban dan membuat ban selip.
3.Perhatikan kondisi penutup rantai apakah kondisinya terpasang dengan baik, sebab apabila kondisi penutup rantai yang tidak terpasang dengan baik, disamping membahayakan dapat juga menyebabkan suara berisik gesekan antara rantai dan penutup.
4.Berilah pelumas secukupnya, karena pelumas yang berlebihan juga membahayakan. bisa menetes ke ban dan membuat ban selip.
Baca juga artikel menarik motor honda VFR1200F, motor honda scoopy, dan motor yamaha bison.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
2011 Yamaha Stryker First Look
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sepeda Motor Honda VFR1200F
Sepeda motor honda terbaru sekarang banyak sekali dan pabrikan motor honda serasa tidak ada habisnya untuk menuangkan ide untuk memproduksi motor terbaru nya. sedikit review dari motor honda yaitu sepeda motor honda VFR1200F yang memiliki konsep motor touring dan motor sport, jangan pernah mencari kendaraan ini di sorum jakarta sampai surabaya ataupun dari sabang sampai wong motor ini dijual di jepang dan india saja dengan harga yang cukup murah meriah amit-amit dah yaitu sekitar 400jutaan.busyet...
Tim desain kendaraan roda dua ini memang sengaja merancang sepeda motor honda VFR1200F ini dengan kapasitas 1.237 cc V4 berpendingin cairan dan dilengkapi sistem injeksi bahan bakar, sehingga cocok digunakan untuk para bikers untuk touring ria meskipun jaraknya jauh. Tapi kapan yah pecinta motor indonesia bisa touring naik sepeda motor terbaru seperti ini?sedangkan Astra Honda Motor sudah banyak memiliki produk terbarunya seperti Absolute Revo CW, Absolute Revo DX, Absolute Revo SW, Beat CW, Beat SW, Blade, Blade SP, City Sport 1, New MegaPro CW, New MegaPro SW, PCX, Revo Techno AT, Scoopy, Supra X 125 PGM-FI, Supra X 125 R CW, Supra X 125 R SW, Tiger, Double Headlight, Tiger Single Headlight, Vario CW, Vario Techno, dan Vario Techno CBS.
Blog motor ini akan memberikan sedikit review mengenai Spesifikasi motor honda VFR1200F, yaitu :

Ukuran mesin : 1237cc
Berat : 276kg
Spesifikasi Engine : 16V V4, enam gigi
Kapasitas Bahan Bakar: 18,5 liter
Rem depan : Kembar 320mm disc C-ABS
Rem belakang : 276mm disc
Ukuran ban depan : 120/70/17
Ukuran ban belakang : 190/55/17

Baca juga artikel menarik seputar motor honda scoopy, motor terbaru dunia, dan Perbandingan motor vixion dan yamaha bison.
Spesifikasi Honda Personal Comfort Xaloon (PCX)
Honda PCX is skuti with the first injection technology in Indonesia. To maintain stable performance is related to the ideal temperature of engine performance,Honda PCX uses the alias radiator liquid cooling system on the PGM-FI engine makes this bike the more fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly, and already meets the exhaust emission standard Euro 3.

Honda PCX equipped with high technology that has not been there in the rest of Indonesia which skutik Idling Stop System (ISS). This technology will be temporarily shut off the engine after skutik stopped in a matter of three seconds and the driver only needs to pull the gas lever to turn it on again. This technology is supported by the application of the alternator (starter), a sophisticated, first on a skutik.
For safety affairs Combi-Brake technology that existed at the last generation Vario, also already owned by the PCX, thereby providing confidence when braking suddenly. Combi-Brake features hydraulic piston with these three, it automatically activates the front brake when drivers activate the rear brake.
Another new safety feature is a sensor embedded in the driver's seat. This sensor is connected with the feature side stand switch, ie switch on standards that are useful to turn off the engine when the standard is derived.
In terms of security, anti-burglar alarm system that existed at the Honda PCX has intelligence to detect the vibration and movement. To activate the system can use the remote control
Honda PCX also offers comfort sensation on the road through sit-ins design riding position, tubeless tires were great profile that is stable, and dual rear suspension. In addition, Honda PCX are also equipped with intelligent key that serves as a safety shutter ignition magnet, the lever opening the trunk volume, which can store 32 liters fullface helmets, as well as uncapped berkepasitas 6.2-liter petrol tank.
Honda PCX also offers comfort sensation on the road through sit-ins design riding position, tubeless tires were great profile that is stable, and dual rear suspension. In addition, Honda PCX are also equipped with intelligent key that serves as a safety shutter ignition magnet, the lever opening the trunk volume, which can store 32 liters fullface helmets, as well as uncapped berkepasitas 6.2-liter petrol tank.
With all the benefits of design and technology, Honda PCX is projected to meet the metropolitan lifestyle of men aged 25-30 years with a profile of trendy, smart, very concerned look and have interest in the bike a comfortable, luxurious and high tech.
For safety affairs Combi-Brake technology that existed at the last generation Vario, also already owned by the PCX, thereby providing confidence when braking suddenly. Combi-Brake features hydraulic piston with these three, it automatically activates the front brake when drivers activate the rear brake.
Another new safety feature is a sensor embedded in the driver's seat. This sensor is connected with the feature side stand switch, ie switch on standards that are useful to turn off the engine when the standard is derived.
In terms of security, anti-burglar alarm system that existed at the Honda PCX has intelligence to detect the vibration and movement. To activate the system can use the remote control
Honda PCX also offers comfort sensation on the road through sit-ins design riding position, tubeless tires were great profile that is stable, and dual rear suspension. In addition, Honda PCX are also equipped with intelligent key that serves as a safety shutter ignition magnet, the lever opening the trunk volume, which can store 32 liters fullface helmets, as well as uncapped berkepasitas 6.2-liter petrol tank.
Honda PCX also offers comfort sensation on the road through sit-ins design riding position, tubeless tires were great profile that is stable, and dual rear suspension. In addition, Honda PCX are also equipped with intelligent key that serves as a safety shutter ignition magnet, the lever opening the trunk volume, which can store 32 liters fullface helmets, as well as uncapped berkepasitas 6.2-liter petrol tank.
With all the benefits of design and technology, Honda PCX is projected to meet the metropolitan lifestyle of men aged 25-30 years with a profile of trendy, smart, very concerned look and have interest in the bike a comfortable, luxurious and high tech.
Spesifikasi Honda Revo Techno AT 2010
Techno AT Revo Honda 110 cc engine with PGM-FI CV-matic transmission technology. This technology allows the motor is controlled as easily as scooter matic but has the ability cub
AT Revo Honda engine cooling system adopts double the CVT and air conditioning for cooling the engine room with the same oil as engine motorcycle. This system is believed to be effective to heat the engine so the engine temperature remains stable, especially when the jam, and travel.
The position of holes for air cooling facing upwards thus reducing the risk of entry of water into the engine if the flood struck.
There are three color options that AT Techno Honda Revo AHM try to offer as a producer of Honda motorcycles in Indonesia to duck this latest matic, ie black techno, techno violet, red and techno, with only one choice of racing rim.
AT Revo Honda engine cooling system adopts double the CVT and air conditioning for cooling the engine room with the same oil as engine motorcycle. This system is believed to be effective to heat the engine so the engine temperature remains stable, especially when the jam, and travel.
The position of holes for air cooling facing upwards thus reducing the risk of entry of water into the engine if the flood struck.
There are three color options that AT Techno Honda Revo AHM try to offer as a producer of Honda motorcycles in Indonesia to duck this latest matic, ie black techno, techno violet, red and techno, with only one choice of racing rim.

Honda Revo Techno AT Specification and Features
- Engine type : 4 stroke, SOHC
- Cooling System : Air and oil cooling
- Diameter x steps : 50 x 55.6 mm
- Volume measures : 109.1 cc
- Compression ratio : 9.0: 1
- Maximum power : 7.68 PS / 8000 rpm
- Maximum torque : 0.81 kgf.m / 5000 rpm
- Clutch : Automatic Centrifugal, wet type
- Starter : Pedal and electrically
- Plug : U20EPR9S ND, NGK CPR6EA-9s
- Fuel tank capacity : 3.7 liter
- The capacity of the engine lubricating oil : 1 liter at the turn of the periodic
- Transmission : CV-Matic
- Battery : MF 12V - 3.0 Ah
- Ignition System : Full Transisterized Battery
- Length x width x height : 1963 x 712 x 1077 mm
- Wheelbase : 1252 mm
- Lowest distance to the ground : 136 mm
- Weight empty : 107 kg
- Frame type : Backbone
- Type front suspension : Telescopic
- Type rear suspension : Double swing arm with sokbreker
- Front tire size : 70/90 - 17 M / C 38P
- Rear tire size : 80/90 - 17 M / C 44P
- Front brake : Hydraulic disc with single piston
- Rear brake : Tromol
Spesifikasi Honda City Sport One ( CS1 ) 2010

Honda CS1 environmentally friendly Euro 2 standards set by the Government, use a vertical engine 125 cc 4 stroke, SOHC, Liquid cooled Radiator equipped (liquid-cooled radiator), which proved to be tough, stubborn, powerful, and responsive, creating a leading Honda motorcycle CS1 suitable for urban areas and comfortable for everyday use among young people in stylish, active and love being the center of attention

Honda City Sport One ( CS1 ) Specifications
- Length X width X height: 1923 x 682 x 1042 mm
- Wheelbase: 1251 mm
- Lowest distance to the ground: 130 mm
- Weight empty: 114 kg
- Type order: Twin Tube Frame
- Type front suspension: Telescopic
- Type of rear suspension: Single (Monoshock)
- Front tire size: 70/90 - 17 M / C 38P
- Rear tire size: 80/90 - 17 M / C 44P
- Brake front: hydraulic disc with dual piston
- Rear brake: hydraulic disc with single piston
- Fuel tank capacity: 4.1 liters
- Engine type: 4 stroke, OHC, cooling water
- Diameter x measures: 58 x 47.2 mm
- Volume measures: 124.7 cc
- Comparison of compression: 10.7: 1
- Maximum power: 12.8 PS / 10,000 rpm
- Maximum torque: 1:04 kgf.m / 7500 rpm
- Engine lubricating oil capacity: 1.0 liter in the periodic replacement
- Auto Clutch: Manual. wel multiplate clutch
- Dental transmsi: 5 speed
- Transfer pattern of teeth: 1-N-2-3-4-5
- Starter: Electrik Starter & Kick Starter
- Battery: MF, 12 V - 3.5 A.h
- Spark plugs: ND U24ESR-N / NGK CR8E
- Ignition system: DC - CDI
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